Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sunrises Are Nice

It's so nice that my Mr. and I get to ride together to work everyday. We encounter amazing sunrises almost everyday. When winter sets in, we will be traveling in the dark, so we try to absorb all this beauty while we can. I snap a few to share occasionally, so you will see more I'm sure. Have a nice week, and search out all the nice you can. :)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Dottie Dog Loves Yarn

Isn't it nice, that my furry lil' sidekick loves my hobby too. LOL Dottie loves yarn. She likes to shake and pull apart skeins of yarn. Lay on projects until I shoo her away. Carry balls of yarn around the house, when I'm not looking.  What a nice lil' goofball. I guess she thinks yarn is nice. :)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

O' Yes ... A Cooler Morning

It was so nice to actually enjoy my coffee on the deck this morning. After heavy, bog you down, triple digit weather, it was a beautiful 75 degrees and breezy! Whewww! Hoping this relief sticks around! The above picture, from last winters blizzard, actually looked good to me yesterday. LOL :)

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Finding Nice

An adventure in finding and being nice. As far back as I can remember, my mother told anyone going out the door ... Be nice! So, I'm seeking nice. Nice as in people, products, experiences, family, friends, fun, and adventures. In short, I'm seeking and plan on sharing Nice, in what ever form it shows up. I will also welcome your comments and links you may have to share on Nice. I do not pretend to be a writer with fancy words or deep thoughts nice! :)